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You can view the WMT Machine Translation leaderboards:

Getting Started

You'll need the following in the root of your repository:

  • file - contains benchmarking logic; the server will run this on each commit
  • requirements.txt file - Python dependencies to be installed before running
  • (optional) - any advanced dependencies or setup, e.g. compilation

You can write whatever you want in your file to get model predictions on the WMT datasets.

But you will need to record your results for the server, and you'll want to avoid doing things like downloading the dataset on the server. So you should:

  • Include an Evaluation object in file to record the results.
  • Point to the server WMT data path - popular datasets are pre-downloaded on the server.
  • Use Caching (optional) - to speed up evaluation by hashing the first batch of predictions.

We explain how to do these various steps below.

How Do I Initialize an Evaluator?

Before you start batching over the dataset and making predictions you need to create an evaluator instance to record results for a given leaderboard. For example, to evaluate on WMT2014 News English-French test set add this to your code:

from sotabencheval.machine_translation import WMTEvaluator, WMTDataset, Language

evaluator = WMTEvaluator(
    model_name='My Super Model'

You can use evaluator.source_dataset_path: Path and evaluator.target_dataset_path: Path to get paths to the source and target SGML files. In the example above the first one resolves to .data/nlp/wmt/newstest2014-fren-src.en.sgm on sotabench server and mydatasets/newstest2014-fren-src.en.sgm when run locally. If you want to use non-standard file names locally you can override the defaults like this:

evaluator = WMTEvaluator(

If you are reproducing a model from a paper, then you can enter the arXiv ID. If you put in the same model name string as on the leaderboard then you will enable direct comparison with the paper's model. For example:

evaluator = WMTEvaluator(
    model_name="Facebook-FAIR (single)",

The above will directly compare with the result of the paper when run on the server.

By default the evaluator computes a detokenized mixed-case SacreBLEU score. To get a tokenized BLEU score as well, during construction of the evaluator set a tokenization: Callable[[str], str] parameter to a function that tokenizes an input segment and returns segment with tokens separated by space, f.e.:

def get_tokenization():
    mt = sacremoses.MosesTokenizer()
    def tokenize(sentence):
        return mt.tokenize(sentence, return_str=True)
    return tokenize

evaluator = WMTEvaluator(

Instead of parsing the dataset files by yourself you can access raw segments as strings:

    for segment_id, text in evaluator.source_segments:
        # translate text

    # or get segments within document context
    for document in evaluator.source_documents:
        context = [segment.text for segment in document.segments]
        for segment in document.segments:
            segment_id, text =, segment.text
            # translate text in context

How Do I Evaluate Predictions?

The evaluator object has an .add(answers: Dict[str, str]) method to submit predictions by batch or in full.

For WMT the expected input is a dictionary, where keys are source segments ids and values are translated segments (segment id is created by concatenating document id and the original segment id, separted by #.) For example:

    'bbc.381790#1': 'Waliser AMs sorgen sich um "Aussehen wie Muppets"',
    'bbc.381790#2': 'Unter einigen AMs herrscht Bestürzung über einen...',
    'bbc.381790#3': 'Sie ist aufgrund von Plänen entstanden, den Namen...'

You can do this all at once in a single call to add(), but more naturally, you will probably loop over the dataset and call the method for the outputs of each batch. That would look something like this (for a PyTorch example):

with torch.no_grad():
    for i, (input, target) in enumerate(data_loader):
        output = model(input)
        # potentially formatting of the output here to be a dict

When you are done, you can get the results locally by running:


But for the server you want to save the results by running:

This method serialises the results and model metadata and stores to the server database.

How Do I Cache Evaluation?

Sotabench reruns your script on every commit. This is good because it acts like continuous integration in checking for bugs and changes, but can be annoying if the model hasn't changed and evaluation is lengthy.

Fortunately sotabencheval has caching logic that you can use.

The idea is that after the first batch, we hash the model outputs and the current metrics and this tells us if the model is the same given the dataset. You can include hashing within an evaluation loop like follows (in the following example for a PyTorch repository):

with torch.no_grad():
    for i, (input, target) in enumerate(data_loader):
        output = model(input)
        # potentially formatting of the output here to be a list of dicts

        if evaluator.cache_exists:

If the hash is the same as in the server, we infer that the model hasn't changed, so we simply return hashed results rather than running the whole evaluation again.

Caching is very useful if you have large models, or a repository that is evaluating multiple models, as it speeds up evaluation significantly.

A Full Example

Below we show an implementation for a model from the torchhub repository. This incorporates all the features explained above: (a) using the WMT Evaluator, (b) accessing segments from evaluator, and (c) the evaluation caching logic. For clarity we omit batching and simply translate segment by segment.

from sotabencheval.machine_translation import WMTEvaluator, WMTDataset, Language
from tqdm import tqdm
import torch

evaluator = WMTEvaluator(
    model_name="Facebook-FAIR (single)",

model = torch.hub.load('pytorch/fairseq', 'transformer.wmt19.en-de.single_model',
    force_reload=True, tokenizer='moses', bpe='fastbpe').cuda()

for sid, text in tqdm(evaluator.source_segments.items()):
    translated = model.translate(text)
    evaluator.add({sid: translated})
    if evaluator.cache_exists:

Need More Help?

Head on over to the Natural Language Processing section of the sotabench forums if you have any questions or difficulties.