You can view the COCO minival leaderboard here.
Object detection APIs in PyTorch are not very standardised across repositories, meaning that it may require a lot of glue to get them working with this evaluation procedure (which is based on torchvision).
For easier COCO integration with sotabench it is recommended to use the more general API sotabencheval.
Getting Started
You'll need the following in the root of your repository:
file - contains benchmarking logic; the server will run this on each commitrequirements.txt
file - Python dependencies to be installed before
(optional) - any advanced dependencies or setup, e.g. compilation
Once you connect your repository to, the platform
will run your
file whenever you commit to master.
We now show how to write the
file to evaluate a PyTorch object model with
the torchbench library, and to allow your results to be recorded and reported for the community.
The COCO Evaluation Class
You can import the evaluation class from the following module:
from torchbench.object_detection import COCO
class contains several components used in the evaluation, such as the dataset
COCO.dataset # torchbench.datasets.coco.CocoDetection
And some default arguments used for evaluation (which can be overridden):
COCO.transforms # <torchbench.object_detection.transforms.Compose at 0x7f60e9ffd0b8> COCO.send_data_to_device # <function torchbench.object_detection.coco.coco_data_to_device> COCO.collate_fn # <function torchbench.object_detection.coco.coco_collate_fn> COCO.model_output_transform # <function torchbench.object_detection.coco.coco_output_transform>
We will explain these different options shortly and how you can manipulate them to get the evaluation logic to play nicely with your model.
An evaluation call - which performs evaluation, and if on the server, saves the results -
looks like the following through the benchmark()
import torchvision model = torchvision.models.detection.__dict__['maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn'](num_classes=91, pretrained=True) COCO.benchmark( model=model, paper_model_name='Mask R-CNN (ResNet-50-FPN)', paper_arxiv_id='1703.06870' )
These are the key arguments: the model
which is a usually a nn.Module
type object, but more generally,
is any method with a forward
method that takes in input data and outputs predictions.
refers to the name of the model and paper_arxiv_id
(optionally) refers to
the paper from which the model originated. If these two arguments match a record paper result,
then will match your model with the paper and compare your code's results with the
reported results in the paper.
A full
Below shows an example for the torchvision repository benchmarking a Mask R-CNN model:
from torchbench.object_detection import COCO from torchbench.utils import send_model_to_device from torchbench.object_detection.transforms import Compose, ConvertCocoPolysToMask, ToTensor import torchvision import PIL def coco_data_to_device(input, target, device: str = "cuda", non_blocking: bool = True): input = list(, non_blocking=non_blocking) for inp in input) target = [{k:, non_blocking=non_blocking) for k, v in t.items()} for t in target] return input, target def coco_collate_fn(batch): return tuple(zip(*batch)) def coco_output_transform(output, target): output = [{k:"cpu") for k, v in t.items()} for t in output] return output, target transforms = Compose([ConvertCocoPolysToMask(), ToTensor()]) model = torchvision.models.detection.__dict__['maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn'](num_classes=91, pretrained=True) # Run the benchmark COCO.benchmark( model=model, paper_model_name='Mask R-CNN (ResNet-50-FPN)', paper_arxiv_id='1703.06870', transforms=transforms, model_output_transform=coco_output_transform, send_data_to_device=coco_data_to_device, collate_fn=coco_collate_fn, batch_size=8, num_gpu=1 )
The source code for the COCO evaluation method can be found here. We now explain each argument.
a PyTorch module, (e.g. a nn.Module
object), that takes in COCO data and outputs detections.
For example, from the torchvision repository:
import torchvision model = torchvision.models.detection.__dict__['maskrcnn_resnet50_fpn'](num_classes=91, pretrained=True)
(str, optional): Optional model description.
For example:
model_description = 'Using ported TensorFlow weights'
Composing the transforms used to transform the input data (the images), e.g.
resizing (e.g transforms.Resize
), center cropping, to tensor transformations and normalization.
For example:
import torchvision.transforms as transforms input_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(512, PIL.Image.BICUBIC), transforms.ToTensor(), ])
Composing the transforms used to transform the target data
Composing the transforms used to transform the input data (the images) and the target data (the labels) in a dual fashion - for example resizing the pair of data jointly.
Below shows an example; note the
fact that the __call__
takes in two arguments and returns two arguments (ordinary torchvision
return one result).
from torchvision.transforms import functional as F class Compose(object): def __init__(self, transforms): self.transforms = transforms def __call__(self, image, target): for t in self.transforms: image, target = t(image, target) return image, target class ToTensor(object): def __call__(self, image, target): image = F.to_tensor(image) return image, target class ImageResize(object): def __init__(self, resize_shape): self.resize_shape = resize_shape def __call__(self, image, target): image = F.resize(image, self.resize_shape) return image, target transforms = Compose([ImageResize((512, 512)), ToTensor()])
Note that the default transforms are:
from torchbench.object_detection.utils import Compose, ConvertCocoPolysToMask, ToTensor transforms = Compose([ConvertCocoPolysToMask(), ToTensor()])
Where ConvertCocoPolysToMask
is from the torchvision reference implementation to transform
the inputs to the right format to be entered into the model. You can pass whatever transforms
you need to make the dataset work with your model.
(callable, optional): An optional function
that takes in model output (after being passed through your
forward pass) and transforms it. Afterwards, the
output will be passed into an evaluation function.
The model output transform is a function that you can pass in to transform the model output after the data has been passed into the model. This is useful if you have to do further processing steps after inference to get the predictions in the right format for evaluation.
The model evaluation for each batch is as follows from are:
with torch.no_grad(): for i, (input, target) in enumerate(iterator): input, target = send_data_to_device(input, target, device=device) original_output = model(input) output, target = model_output_transform(original_output, target) result = { tar["image_id"].item(): out for tar, out in zip(target, output) } coco_evaluator.update(result)
We can see the model_output_transform
in use, and the fact that the output
is then
transformed to be a dictionary with image_ids as keys and output as values.
The expected output of model_output_transform
is a list of dictionaries (length = batch_size),
where each dictionary contains keys for 'boxes', 'labels', 'scores', 'masks', and each value is
of the torch.tensor
The expected output of result
is converted to a dictionary with keys as the image ids, and
values as a dictionary with the predictions (boxes, labels, scores, ... as keys).
How the dataset is collated - an optional callable passed into the DataLoader
As an example the default collate function is:
def coco_collate_fn(batch): return tuple(zip(*batch))
An optional function specifying how the model is sent to a device
As an example the COCO default is:
def coco_data_to_device(input, target, device: str = "cuda", non_blocking: bool = True): input = list(, non_blocking=non_blocking) for inp in input) target = [{k:, non_blocking=non_blocking) for k, v in t.items()} for t in target] return input, target
data_root (str): The location of the COCO dataset - change this parameter when evaluating locally if your COCO data is located in a different folder (or alternatively if you want to download to an alternative location).
Note that this parameter will be overriden when the evaluation is performed on the server, so it is solely for your local use.
num_workers (int): The number of workers to use for the DataLoader.
batch_size (int) : The batch_size to use for evaluation; if you get memory errors, then reduce this (half each time) until your model fits onto the GPU.
paper_model_name (str, optional): The name of the model from the paper - if you want to link your build to a machine learning paper. See the COCO benchmark page for model names,, e.g. on the paper leaderboard tab.
paper_arxiv_id (str, optional): Optional linking to ArXiv if you want to link to papers on the leaderboard; put in the corresponding paper's ArXiv ID, e.g. '1611.05431'.
paper_pwc_id (str, optional): Optional linking to Papers With Code; put in the corresponding papers with code URL slug, e.g. 'u-gat-it-unsupervised-generative-attentional'
paper_results (dict, optional) : If the paper you are reproducing does not have model results on, you can specify the paper results yourself through this argument, where keys are metric names, values are metric values. e.g::
{'box AP': 0.349, 'AP50': 0.592, ...}.
Ensure that the metric names match those on the sotabench leaderboard - for COCO it should be 'box AP', 'AP50', 'AP75', 'APS', 'APM', 'APL'
pytorch_hub_url (str, optional): Optional linking to PyTorch Hub url if your model is linked there; e.g: 'nvidia_deeplearningexamples_waveglow'.
Need More Help?
Head on over to the Computer Vision section of the sotabench forums if you have any questions or difficulties.